What is Pentadin? Exploring the Plants’ Sweet Taste Secret
Pentadin is a sweet-tasting protein that was discovered and isolated in 1989 from the fruit of Oubli (Pentadiplandra brazzeana Baillon), a climbing shrub native to …
Pentadin is a sweet-tasting protein that was discovered and isolated in 1989 from the fruit of Oubli (Pentadiplandra brazzeana Baillon), a climbing shrub native to …
Monellin is a naturally occurring sweet protein discovered in 1969 and found in the fruit of the West African shrub, serendipity berry (Dioscoreophyllum cumminsii). With …
Miraculin is a unique glycoprotein found in the miracle fruit plant, Synsepalum dulcificum, which is native to West Africa. This protein has garnered attention due …